Home of the Bears
Motto: A Crossroads to Success, Where Everybody is Somebody.
Tips to Help Your Child Be Successful in Middle School
Communicate high expectations. Make sure your student understands that you expect him or her to complete homework, study for tests, graduate from high school and continue learning after school.
Check Grades...often. Take advantage of online information in Infinite Campus for your student's grades, missing assignments and attendance.
Contact your student's teachers. If you have a question or concern about your son/daughter's academic progress or classtoom behavior, contact his/her teachers by email, phone, or a written note.
Monitor homework. Homework is extremely important for academic success. Middle School students sometimes still need homework checked for completion and may also need to be reminded to turn assignments in. Please contact your child's teachers concerning questions about specific homework assignments.
Seek help. Encourage your student to ask questions during class, before and after class if he/she doesn't understand something or needs clarification about an assignment.
Be prepared everyday. Be sure your child prepares for school the night before and gets a good night's sleep. Choosing clothes the night before and placing everything for school in one spot makes mornings less chaotic.
Be involved and be present. Your school offers several opportunities for parents to get acquainted with the school and the staff. Attend Parent Nights and talk with teachers, or volunteer to chaperone extra-curricular activities. Middle school students do better in school when parents are actively involved.
Parent's resources for their student with homework
Discovery Education offers a wide variety of free family resources that you can trust to provide high quality, relevant materials for you and your children. We invite you to take a look at our family activities, contests and a wealth of other resources that are vetted by Discovery Education and uniquely designed with parents in mind.